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Showing posts from October, 2017

Why should you Train your Body?

Today, I am going to answer the most basic question. The above question is not as simple as it sounds. This question is being haunting our lives like a cancer. This question has stopped thousands, millions of you from getting your butt out of that chair and hit the gym. Worry not, today I am going to give you the simple reasons, motives, aim that might help you to get up and train. So, get ready to get on this epic ride and please be optimistic. I know you don't like to listen to advice from other but please be open minded and read this whole post. If you don't like it, you can always discard the post.

5x5 Stronglifts - The Workout to get stronger and powerful - Shortcut to strength

If you are a little bit of interested you might have heard this workout or atleast these words - 5x5 Stronglifts. This workout is mainly for beginner powerlifters. I will surely suggest this workout to a person who wants to develop raw strength. I have been doing stronglifts for over 3 months now. Stronglifts is one of the best workout you can do to build initial strength, to build that initial strength, to get you started with power lifting. Moreover it is very simple. It is the simplest whole body workout. No need to remember those lengthy workout you just need to remember five exercises. Moreover, you do not need any special equipment .You will only need a barbell and some weights. You don't even need dumbbells for this workout. This workout can be used to loose weight, gain muscle, transform. It is complete workout. 5x5 Stronglifts It is a simple workout involving 5 compound movements that is Bench press, Barbell rows, Overhead Press (aka Military press), Squat an